Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona
- Full-time Associate Professor at University of Barcelona, Human Anatomy and Embryology Unit: 2019-date
- Anatomist of GRECMIP-MIFAS (Groupe de Recherche et d’Etude en Chirurgie Mini-Invasive du Pied – Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Society): 2017 – date
- Associate Editor: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: 2020 – date
- Part-time Associate Professor at University of Barcelona, Human Anatomy and Embryology Unit: 2015 – 2019
- Part-time Associate Professor at University Central de Catalunya – Universitat de Vic, Department of Physiotherapy and Podiatry: 2015 – 2019
- 2005-2008: Physiotherapy degree, “Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona”
- 2008-2011: Podology degree, “Universitat de Barcelona”
- 2011-2013: Master degree in Podiatric Surgery, “Universitat de Barcelona”
- 2014-2017: PhD entitled “Clinical and Surgical Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle” at “Universitat de Barcelona”, presented June 30th 2017. Graded Excellent “Cum Laude” and awarded as “Extraordinary Award of the PhD School”, “European Doctor” Mention